6G Conference

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Çiçek Çavdar

Cicek Cavdar is an Associate Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, where she leads the “Intelligent Network Systems” research group and serves as vice-head of the Communication Systems Division. She has played a pivotal role in numerous European projects, particularly in aerospace communications and sustainable network technologies. Since 2013, Cicek has led several EU projects focused on sustainability and green communications, including “5GrEEn,” SooGREEN, and AI4Green. Notably, AI4Green received the Eureka Innovations Award and the Celtic Excellence Award in 2024. In aerospace communications, she has coordinated industry-university collaborative projects since 2016, such as “ICARO-EU” and “6G-SKY.” Her research interests include the integration of non-terrestrial and terrestrial networks, edge/cloud computing, ultra-reliable low latency wireless communications, sustainability, and AI-assisted green network management.